Other Financial Assistance Grant 2024/2025

This is a preview of the Other Financial Assistance Grant 2024/2025 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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Other Financial Assistance Grant 2024/2025


Council can provide financial assistance to for profit, local not-for-profit, incorporated and registered charitable organisations, and community organisations delivering services to and providing activities for residents of the Hills Shire.

Individuals, not-for-profit organisations, and commercial /for profit organiations MUST be based in The Hills LGA. 

Individuals, not-for-profit community organisations and commercial/private organisations can apply under this category for dollar-for-dollar match funding amounts in accordance with the requirements of Section 356 and may require being placed on public exhibition for 28 days following Council endorsement. 

Not-for-profit organisations will need to provide explanation why application is being made through this program and not via the Annual Community Grants program. 

Funding over $2,501 can be applied for and is subject to conditions.  Projects must be delivered in the Hills Local Government Area. 

The event/ program/ activity must be a future date - not retrospective grant funding is permitted. 

Applications will need to comply with the Community Grants Policy.

Previous Funding

Have you received a grant this financial year from any of the 3 categories below:-

2.1 - Minor Community Grant

2.2 - Annual Community Grant

2.3 - Other Financial Assistance


If YES excluding Auspice arrangements you are ineligible to apply in this grant round

Application Checklist

Please prepare the following documents for inclusion in your application submission.


You may use the below checklist to tick off the forms as your collect them. You will be asked to upload these documents in the application form.